I got a new iPhone recently. Not the top-of-the-line, fingerprint security one like my kids have, but to me I hit the jackpot.  And now, I have faster internet access on my phone, so I should be able to do more things faster, especially while I’m doing other things faster.But I don’t want to. I’m so over multi-tasking. I’m exhausted.Going back to the days of the Pony Express does not appeal to me, but there’s got to be a better way than we’re doing now. Just because we CAN do things faster doesn’t mean we SHOULD do things faster, right? My entire life, I’ve been a master multi-tasker, which up until recently, I’ve been quite proud of. But it’s becoming crystal clear to me this is not necessarily a badge of honor. If I’m doing several things at once, and then moving on to tackle more things at once, how do I know what I’m doing and if I’ve done it well?

And by the way, did I enjoy doing any of those things?

One of my goals this year was to be more present. I know this sounds a bit cliché, but I’m reaping the rewards, although it’s not a natural state in which I normally reside. It’s become apparent in my business and personal life that concentrating on one thing at a time (OK, sometimes two to three, but definitely no more than four) is beneficial. To me and those around me, including my to-do list. So I’m backing off firing on all cylinders for everything I’m working on at the same time. And proud of it.

Are you trying to do too much at once? I’d love to hear how your strategies for focusing, concentrating and remaining productive are working out. And I bet I’m not the only one. You can call me at 561.401.9461, or connect with me by clicking below.