My favorite holiday of the year is next week, and I always make a point of expressing my gratitude and thanks for my blessings. Like paper.

When I began my design career, computers were literally just appearing on the scene. While I switched from producing artwork by hand to using computer software, my end product was still the same: a printed piece.

This went along steadily until about 2011, when the rumors started. Everything is moving to electronic. Nobody is using snail mail anymore. PRINT IS DEAD.

So I panicked for a minute. I decided I’d better learn how to design websites and email campaigns or I’d be out of work. This thinking lasted for longer than I care to admit, as it was unproductive, exhausting and fearful. Operating from a place a fear never ends well.

Print materials always have been and always will be my creative sweet spot. Give me a good annual report or branding campaign, and I’ll shine. Online design is extremely important as part of a well-crafted message, but once I realized that I’m happier and more creative concentrating on what I’m good at, my focus was clear. And the bonus is that I got better clients and better projects. Which I’m grateful for, as well.

To summarize: Print is going strong. Do what you love. I’m thankful for paper.

What are you thankful for this season? I’d love to hear from you at It’s good to share our blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving!