It’s primary season and we just lived through the madness in Florida. I know I’m not alone in feeling weary of the overwhelming tone of negativity surrounding all things political. What’s worse is knowing the general election is still eight months away.

The messages being communicated are horrible. Can you imagine if everyone did this all day, every day, to each other in business?

When the words we use consistently attack and belittle others it doesn’t strengthen our brand. The opposite happens. We don’t look better when others fail, but do when we focus on ourselves, promote our strengths, and are humble enough to show vulnerability (thanks BrenĂ© Brown.) How often have you connected with someone who shares themselves honestly and admired and respected them all the more because of their humanity? The concept is so simple, but gets lost when desperation and fear prevail.

No matter how important our next project, client or job might be, let’s choose kindness. Communicate who you are, what you can do, what makes you awesome. Attraction is a stronger business tactic than bullying. And you then surround yourselves with others who foster the positivity which helps everyone succeed.

Are you communicating who you are with your marketing materials? If you’d like to change the look of your messaging, let’s chat. Email me here or call me at 561-401-9461. I’d love to help you know you’re presenting your very best self.