Does your business pick up between Thanksgiving and New Years? Most likely, not. What with holiday parties, early closings and having your kids home from college taking over your house and car. I’ll admit, I tend to enjoy the loosey-goosey nature for a while. But by the end of December, I’m craving a return to structure.

Suddenly, deadlines and checklists look good.

Networking and conference calls sound appealing.

If you’re like me and have been “in a meeting” more than actually in a meeting, then welcome back. Let’s clear out our in-boxes, return phone calls and put on some grown-up clothes. And make sure we start letting everyone know we’re back to work. For real.

To communicate creatively, whether it’s a brochure, ad or email campaign, email me at or call 561-401-9461. I’m back in the office and ready to talk.