Yummy stuff.

The best food holiday in the history of the world is next week. To me, this is both in terms of cooking AND eating.

As someone who loves to create in the kitchen, I’ve tried to jazz up Thanksgiving recipes over the years. For some odd reason, I thought I could improve on standards that have always been crowd pleasers. But stuffing with maple syrup and dried cranberries was an epic fail, at best. I’ve learned that fresh green beans have a place at the table, but not on the last Thursday in November. On this day, only canned beans mixed with cream of mushroom soup is appropriate.

It’s the same with design. Sometimes, a good thing really is just that, and doesn’t need a clever riff to make it better. Sometimes tried and true trumps new and improved. What’s important is figuring out which column you’re in.

Interested in discussing where your marketing materials stand? I’m offering a no-pressure evaluation on everything from your logo and brochure to email marketing. Then after discussing your business goals, we can decide together if you’re still in the right direction, or in need of some new gravy with your stuffing.

Call me at 561.401.9461 or email at cheryl@sweetboodesign.com.

Happy Thanksgiving!