This picture. Maybe the most Florida thing ever. #ILovePublix.

The last days of August signal the end of summer, and sometimes a fun thing in Florida known as HURRICANE FREAK-OUT MODE. Note, that this treat of a phenomenon has been known to stretch into October, but I digress.

Yes, my Palm Beach County friends, it appears that Dorian is happening. Northlake Boulevard looks like a parking lot and smells of desperation. I’m sure roads near wherever you live and work look the same. Let’s take a collective breath and remember to focus on #stormsnacks.

This post is not in the least bit design- or brand-related, but rather a reminder that we can do hard things, it’s still four days away (a lot can happen between now and then) and get in your car and drive if you see Jim Cantore. 

Hoping everyone has a safe Labor Day weekend and sending all the good vibes that we don’t have to put up our shutters.