I last wrote about Joy in a Pandemic. There have been some charming surprises in this awful year. #schittscreek. But November always seems to be when we collectively focus on gratitude, given Thanksgiving.
I’ll admit. This year has sucked. From my father dying to epic vacations being cancelled, like most of you, there has been far too much fear and sadness. I wrote last time about some personal experiences, but today, I’m focusing on the good I’ve experienced with Sweet Boo Design. For my clients, my colleagues, my business partners, my many, many teachers on Zoom, I am profoundly grateful.
Many of my clients needed to pivot once things shut down, and they did so masterfully. In-person events went virtual, and I was able to help make these events a success, whether it was with email graphics, electronic programs, or presentations.
Then there were clients who had started projects that still needed to be finished. New brand development, Impact Reports, planning out a yearly schedule of projects. What I noticed the most was that since we were all staying put, i.e. no networking events, no coffee meetings, no Lunch and Learns, we actually had more time in the day. And gathering multiple people to collaborate was easier, and dare I say, fun? I will confess: I’ve never been so grateful to have daughters in their 20s who don’t need to be homeschooled, which definitely put me at an advantage. So kudos to those who’ve had to juggle the almost impossible. You are heroes. But honestly, I’ve had SO. MANY. GOOD. COLLABORATIVE. CREATIVE. group calls. There’s something magical about everyone calling their pets over to introduce on Zoom, or hearing kids squealing in the background. Real life, right? And who ever wants to stop working in PJ bottoms?
All this is to say, I am definitely a people person; I get energy from being with others. The physical isolation has been hard, but the connection and time to be creative has been welcomed. I’d like to share a few of my favorite Pandemic Projects with you.
New Brands (l to r): BLK Coaching: A science-backed approach to nutrition and exercise coaching, Arts UP! LA: A nonprofit theater and arts program serving people with disabilities, military veterans, and opportunity youth, and The Haley Foundation: Partnering to improve healthcare initiatives that increase our quality of life and advance the health of communities.
Community Partners of South Florida Impact Report: Highlighting the year for CPSFL, who changes the odds for children and families facing adversity and creates lasting social change by providing comprehensive services and solutions that target three primary areas: Behavioral/Mental Health, Housing and Community.
Resource Depot Case for Support: Development piece created to inform, educate and raise funds for Resource Depot, who imagines a Palm Beach County where people are more important than possessions, where simplicity fosters equality, and where everyone feels they have plenty – and plenty to share.
I hope this season you’re able to find snippets of gratitude. Nothing lasts forever and we will get through this year, and the months to come. Email me at cheryl@sweetboodesign to discuss work, life or what you’re grateful for.
Stay creative, stay positive, stay healthy.